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Ditya Sapulebu (Jin Sadewa) Art and Culture Wayan…

Ditya Sapulebu  Sapulebu (Jin Sadewa) Art and Culture Wayang Indonesia DITYA SAPULEBU (JIN SADEWA) according to a Javanese puppeteer story is a giant genie from the chivalry of Baweratalun, the territory of the Mertani country, a stealth kingdom which in the eyes of the ordinary eye is a very haunted wilderness. He has a twin brother named Ditya Sapujagad who lives in the Sawojajar knighthood. Ditya Sapulebu also has three other half-brothers, their mothers each named; Prabu Yudhistira, the genie king of the Mertani state, Arya Dandunwacana from the Jodipati knighthood and Arya Dananjaya who lives in the Madukara knighthood. Ditya Sapulebu is very powerful. He has Aji Pramanajati, who is efficacious and cannot be mistaken/forgotten. When the Mertani forest was conquered by the Pandavas, the son of Prabu Pandu, king of the Astina state, Ditya Sapulebu, went to war against Tangsen (Sadewa's nickname), the son of Prabu Pandu and his consort Dewi Madrim. After knowing that Arya Dandunw...

Wayang Kulit Media Komunikasi Dalang Soedarno

wayang Ki Dalang Guruh Soedarno Mangkucarito The use of wayang as a communication medium allows for a high vibrational power so that the message conveyed is easily absorbed, interpreted and is able to produce an immediate effect (vibral). According to Rakhmat (1996), the immediate effect is very important for the effectiveness of a communication. Like traditional arts in general, especially those that have an element of dialogue, wayang performances also have a fairly high flexibility in delivering messages. The challenge that arises for the puppeteers is how to develop additional materials into a play, through a process of screening and improvisation, without destroying the overall premise of the story. Don't let it cause a "boomerang-effect" from the audience. The messages and movements of the puppets that are played should always follow the times. Dalang as an interpreter must be able to bring messages, issues, which are currently developing in the midst of society. Ba...

Ki Dalang Soedarno Mangkucarito Banyumas

kidalang darno Artists of Banyumas Art Ki Dalang Darno who are members of the Art and Human Art Puppet Group of Banyumas Artists, he is one of the Banyumas cultural artists who love to preserve puppet art. The arts of Banyumas regency are influenced by the culture of the three areas around Solo, Jogja, and Semarang. The typical wayang kulit Banyumas districts include Purwokerto and villages around Banyumas district, some areas in several villages, including the districts of karanglewas and cilongok being the main center of conservation. Local Government of Banyumas Regency and Disbudpar (Culture and Tourism Department of Banyumas Regency) championed cultural richness and potential owned by holding regular performances every year in radio radius RRI. The show aims to gather and unify puppet art lovers to work together to promote mutual cultural and tourism potential especially in Banyumas Regency.  This is also the event for the Preservation of Arts and Culture Development Expansion...

Arya Supala Art and Culture Wayang Indonesian

  Arya Supala ARYA SUPALA is the son of Prabu Kandiraja, the king of the Kadi state. He has a birth defect. Four -handed, four -legged, and three -eyed, one eye is in the center of the forehead. The revelation of the gods received by Prabu Kandiraja, Supala's disability can only be healed by the hand of Lord Vishnu, but in the hands of the healer it is Supala's life and death. Supala's body defect can finally be healed by Narayana/Prabu Krishna, son King Basudeva with Goddess Mahindra from the state of Mandura. At that time Narayana promised not to kill Supala until Supala insulted and degraded his dignity in front of a hundred kings. After growing up, Supala became the king of the Kadi country replacing his father. He had a very close relationship with Prabu Jarasanda, king of Magada. Supala has a character; arrogant, hard -hearted, talkative and always obeys the heart. The end of the story is told, Supala was killed by King Krishna. His head was shattered by the impact of...


VARIOUS TYPES OF WAYANG IN INDONESIA There are various types of puppets. Movies come in various shapes, sizes, and mediums, including in the form of rolls of skins, leather, wood, and masks. However, there are 5 most popular types of puppets I would like to mention below. They are: 1. Wayang beber Wayang beber is one of the oldest types of wayang in Indonesia. In this narrative show, a long image sheet is described by a puppeteer. The oldest beber wayang can be found in Pacitan, Donorojo, East Java. Apart from the Mahabharata and Ramayana narratives, wayang beber also uses stories from folklore, such as the romance of Panji Asmoro Bangun and Dewi Sekartaji. 2. Wayang kulit 5 Types of Wayang Indonesia Belindomag puppets In Central and East Java, the most popular types of puppets are wayang kulit or wayang purwa. The puppets are flat and made of buffalo or goat skin. His arms and legs can be moved. In Bali and Java, wayang kulit shows often combine Hindu stories with Buddhism and I...


THE BEGINNING OF WAYANG KULIT ART DISTRIBUTION IN INDONESIA Indonesians are required to recognize the wayang art and the names of characters in wayang. Art of wayang used as media of information, education, da'wah, understanding of Javanese philosophy, and especially as entertainment. If on the ground of Javanese wayang kulit is one of the performing arts as an adat in a certain area. In Malang, East Java, for example, when the ceremony on 1 suro is always accompanied by wayang performances as custom which must be done every year. At the traditional ceremony dilakkukan larung offerings on the beach segoro kidul as an offering for nyi roro kidul society believes the ceremony will be spared from disaster.  The existence of wayang kulit art has long since Hinduism entered the island of Java. This artwork is an adaptation of Indian literary works Mahabharata and Ramayana. Both parent stories in the puppet were changed and added by adjusting the original philosophy of Indonesia. The hi...


wayang WAYANG KULIT AS THE HIGHEST ART OF ADILUHUNG Wayang kulit is one of the arts tradition that grow and develop in Java society. More than just a show, wayang kulit was used as a medium for reflection toward the spiritual spirit of the gods. It is said that "wayang" comes from the word "ma Hyang", which means toward the spirituality of the power. But, there are also people who say "wayang" comes from a performance technique that relies on shadow (shadow / puppet) on the screen. Wayang kulit is believed to be the embryo of various types of puppets that exist today. This type of puppet is made of dried buffalo leather sheets. In order for the motion of the puppets to be dynamic, on the right side of the body is connected using a screw made of buffalo horn. Wayang kulit is played directly by the narrator called puppeteer. The puppeteer can not be played by just anyone. In addition to must be good at playing puppets, the puppeteers also have to know vari...

Ki Dalang Guruh Soedarno Mangkucarito

Wayang Artists of Banyumas Art Ki Dalang Darno who are members of the Art and Human Art Puppet Group of Banyumas Artists, he is one of the Banyumas cultural artists who love to preserve puppet art. The arts of Banyumas regency are influenced by the culture of the three areas around Solo, Jogja, and Semarang. The typical wayang kulit Banyumas districts include Purwokerto and villages around Banyumas district, some areas in several villages, including the districts of karanglewas and cilongok being the main center of conservation. Local Government of Banyumas Regency and Disbudpar (Culture and Tourism Department of Banyumas Regency) championed cultural richness and potential owned by holding regular performances every year in radio radius RRI.  The show aims to gather and unify puppet art lovers to work together to promote mutual cultural and tourism potential especially in Banyumas Regency. This is also the event for the Preservation of Arts and Culture Development Expansion. Thank...

Caranggana Art and Culture Wayang Indonesia

One of Arjuna's sons. Her mother is Endang Maeswara, while her grandfather is Begawan Maruata. From childhood he lived with his mother and grandfather in the Gambir Melati hermitage instead of following his father at Kasatrian Madukara. Although it is actually not a magic person, but the honesty and cleanliness of his heart make Caranggana often infiltrated by Sang Hyang Wenang. And if so, no one can defeat it. In various plays, Bambang Caranggana was in the infiltration of Sang Hyang Wenang, always defeating Batara Guru. This happens when Batara Guru is mistaken and deviated from his duty. For example when Batara Guru tried to seduce Dewi Dursilawati, one of Kurawa. In that event Bambang Caranggana defeated the goddess. Such a play is a story .

Cangik Art and Culture Wayang Indonesia

cangik CANGIK is a low-class lady, but familiar with the royal family, which is usually shown as a kind of comedian in the scene of kedatonan in wayang performance, both Wayang Kulit Purwa, and Wayang Orang. He always appeared with his son named Limbuk. Both have bodies that are much different from each other. Rancid skinny, long-necked. While his son was fat, short. Its appearance in puppet only as a warming character of the atmosphere, because the dialogue between mother and child is just a joke. Usually, they only talk about their dreams and fantasies one day Limbuk will be married, and married. This scene, in Purwa puppetry is often called limbukan . Some puppeteers sometimes also use the dialogue of Cangik and Limbuk as a tool for the purpose of da'wah, education and public information, and messages from people with certain intentions. In addition to the jejeran, Cangik and Limbuk sometimes also appear in the scenes in keputren. When raised in keputren, the dialogue bet...

Sumantri Ngenger Art and Culture Indonesia

Beginning Bambang Sumantri desire to serve the country, then Bambang Sumantri faces his father Resi Suwandagni at Pertapaan Arga Sekar. Begawan Suwandagni approves his son, Bambang Sumantri goes to Mahespati. Begawan Suwandagni steady releasing his son Sumantri. Because he has equiped with science, government science, also been physically forged into a reliable warrior. Sumantri also has a god-given chakra weapon. The departure of Sumantri is known by his sister, a giant bajang. Its a scary face. The Begawan also has asked Sumantri to invite his sister, because his little brother can help Sumantri if there are difficulties that can not be solved by Sumantri. But Sumantri did not want to take her sister, because it hindered the trip. Sumantri went off, Sukasrana even could not follow her sister's departure. But silently silently Sukrasana followed his sister though far behind him. Upon Mahespati's palace, King Arjuna Sasra shoulders gladly accepted Sumantri who wanted to dev...

Prabu Bumiloka Art and Culture Wayang Indonesia

Bumiloka King Bumiloka was the king of Manimantaka, who succeeded his father, King Niwatakawaca, who was killed by Arjuna. Although Prabu Bumiloka is a gigantic man like his father, he has a beautiful sister named Dewi Mustakaweni. While the patih named Bumisangara, who is also his sister. One time King Bumiloka intend to take revenge on Arjuna and the other Pandawa.Prabu Bumiloka then ordered the Goddess Mustakaweni to steal Jamus Kalimasada, heirlooms of King Puntadewa.Menurut mindedly, if Pandawa lost Jamus Kalimasada, of course they will lose spirit and confident, so will be easily defeated. Thus the vengeance effort can run smoothly. But it turns out this business failed, and even Goddess Mustakaweni finally captivated and diperistri by Bambang Priyambada, one of Arjuna's children. With the outrage overwhelming King Bumiloka bring his troops stormed the Kingdom of Amarta . This raid also failed, King Bumiloka and his patih, Bumisangara finally killed.
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