Pandawa Mangkat puppet story in Bahasa Sunda tells about Pandawa's death when heading to the Himalayan mountain. Pandawa Mangkat
Yudhisthira ascends the Himalayan mountain as the ultimate journey. After the early days of the Yuga River and the death of Krishna, his brother Yudistira lowered the throne to the only surviving survivors of the war in Kurusetra, Parikesit, incuna Arjuna. With all the things left, the Pandavas take their last trek through the pilgrimage to the Himalayas.
When they go to the top, Drupadi and Pandavas one another - are extinct, mistreated by their sin and their sinful nature. But Yudhisthira was able to reach the top of the mountain, because he was not blameless of sin and lies.
Wayang golek Yudistira
The reality of Yudistira was actually the end of the Mahabharata. Above the top of the mountain, Indra's battles came to bring his Yudhisthira to heaven and his trains. When Yudhisthira moved closer to the train, Indra pushed him to leave the dog as his traveling companion, because the unclean being did not get into heaven. Yudhisthira is backward, refusing to leave the creature who is protected by this. Indra wondered - "It's hard to leave first and not burn their corpses ... but it's hard to refuse to leave a dog that does not know the way!". Yudistira replied, "Druadi and my relatives have left me, others I leave them." At that time the dog changed into Batara Darma, his father, who was testing himself.
Yudistira was taken by Indra. At the time he reached heaven he did not find the best brother or his wife, Drupadi. But he saw Duryodhana and his bad guys. Sang Batara noticed that Barayana was in hell to redeem their small sins, while Duryodhana was in heaven since he died in a blessed summits, Kurukshetra.
Yudhisthira went back to hell to meet him, but the sight and sound of his heart and his bloody heart made him afraid. When tempted to escape, he snatched himself and the blows heard Drupadi's voice and his beloved son ... calling for him, leading him to live in their affliction in misery. Yudistira decided to live in hell, and led to his carpenters returning to heaven ... because he chose to live in hell with the good people rather than live in heaven and evil people. At that time the vision changes. Then Indra said that Yudhisthira was being tested again, and the true brother-in-law was in heaven. After receiving this fact, Yudistira took away his possessions and received heaven.
In addition, Candra Birawa was once withdrawn before completing his duties. The incident when Narasoma fought against Pandu to fight for Dewi Kunti. Pandu had won the contest and Narasoma challenged Pandu with his sister Dewi Madrim bet as Pandu's wife if Narasoma lost. When fighting, Narasoma overwhelmed Pandu's magic and called Candra Birawa. As a result Pandu became desperate because his keris did not work against Candra Birawa and even increased the amount of Candra Birawa. Drive then taunt that Narasoma can not fight himself needs help. The arrogant Narasoma said that Pandu could also request the assistance of his two slaves, even scoffing that Basata was told to step forward to be tried by Candra Birawa. Hearing the mockery of Narasoma, Basata became angry and told Widura to lead him to the fight. After being told, Basata immediately urged Widura to step aside and then yell at Pandu to come to the Base. The smart pilot soon knew his brother's plans and immediately darted at him. When Candra Birawa pursues Pandu towards the Baseata, Pandu immediately stands behind his brother and Basata immediately exposes the Kumbalageni Commandment. The Kumbalageni mission is a tribute to what makes the Basics touched to become dust. Candra Birawa is not strong against this magic and returns to Narasoma's body. The drive was moving as lightning attacked Narasoma, Pandu's stroke caused Narasoma to bounce. Narasoma finally claimed to be defeated to Pandu and set out to invite Dewi Madrim to be given to Pandu.
Yudhisthira ascends the Himalayan mountain as the ultimate journey. After the early days of the Yuga River and the death of Krishna, his brother Yudistira lowered the throne to the only surviving survivors of the war in Kurusetra, Parikesit, incuna Arjuna. With all the things left, the Pandavas take their last trek through the pilgrimage to the Himalayas.
When they go to the top, Drupadi and Pandavas one another - are extinct, mistreated by their sin and their sinful nature. But Yudhisthira was able to reach the top of the mountain, because he was not blameless of sin and lies.
Wayang golek Yudistira
The reality of Yudistira was actually the end of the Mahabharata. Above the top of the mountain, Indra's battles came to bring his Yudhisthira to heaven and his trains. When Yudhisthira moved closer to the train, Indra pushed him to leave the dog as his traveling companion, because the unclean being did not get into heaven. Yudhisthira is backward, refusing to leave the creature who is protected by this. Indra wondered - "It's hard to leave first and not burn their corpses ... but it's hard to refuse to leave a dog that does not know the way!". Yudistira replied, "Druadi and my relatives have left me, others I leave them." At that time the dog changed into Batara Darma, his father, who was testing himself.
Yudistira was taken by Indra. At the time he reached heaven he did not find the best brother or his wife, Drupadi. But he saw Duryodhana and his bad guys. Sang Batara noticed that Barayana was in hell to redeem their small sins, while Duryodhana was in heaven since he died in a blessed summits, Kurukshetra.
Yudhisthira went back to hell to meet him, but the sight and sound of his heart and his bloody heart made him afraid. When tempted to escape, he snatched himself and the blows heard Drupadi's voice and his beloved son ... calling for him, leading him to live in their affliction in misery. Yudistira decided to live in hell, and led to his carpenters returning to heaven ... because he chose to live in hell with the good people rather than live in heaven and evil people. At that time the vision changes. Then Indra said that Yudhisthira was being tested again, and the true brother-in-law was in heaven. After receiving this fact, Yudistira took away his possessions and received heaven.
In addition, Candra Birawa was once withdrawn before completing his duties. The incident when Narasoma fought against Pandu to fight for Dewi Kunti. Pandu had won the contest and Narasoma challenged Pandu with his sister Dewi Madrim bet as Pandu's wife if Narasoma lost. When fighting, Narasoma overwhelmed Pandu's magic and called Candra Birawa. As a result Pandu became desperate because his keris did not work against Candra Birawa and even increased the amount of Candra Birawa. Drive then taunt that Narasoma can not fight himself needs help. The arrogant Narasoma said that Pandu could also request the assistance of his two slaves, even scoffing that Basata was told to step forward to be tried by Candra Birawa. Hearing the mockery of Narasoma, Basata became angry and told Widura to lead him to the fight. After being told, Basata immediately urged Widura to step aside and then yell at Pandu to come to the Base. The smart pilot soon knew his brother's plans and immediately darted at him. When Candra Birawa pursues Pandu towards the Baseata, Pandu immediately stands behind his brother and Basata immediately exposes the Kumbalageni Commandment. The Kumbalageni mission is a tribute to what makes the Basics touched to become dust. Candra Birawa is not strong against this magic and returns to Narasoma's body. The drive was moving as lightning attacked Narasoma, Pandu's stroke caused Narasoma to bounce. Narasoma finally claimed to be defeated to Pandu and set out to invite Dewi Madrim to be given to Pandu.